
raccoon provides an implementation of a basic distance-weighted k-nearest neighbours classifier adapted to take as input the maps trained with our scale-adaptive clustering.

Each input datapoint follows the same preprocessing steps as the original dataset and it’s projected onto the embedded space at different levels of the hierarchy. Clusters assignment is calculated by averaging the nearest neighbours classes and weighting them as a function of their distance.

To run this classifier, save_map must be active during the clustering step.

A wrapper function is available

import raccoon as rc

projected_membership  = rc.classify(df_to_predict, original_df, cluster_membership,
                                    refpath=r'./raccoon_data', out_path=r'./')

Alternatively, the k-NN object can be initialized and the classification can be called directly.

from raccoon.utils.classification import KNN

obj = KNN(df_to_predict, original_df, cluster_membership,
          refpath=r'./raccoon_data', out_path=r'./',
          debug=False, gpu=False)

output = obj.membership

The k-NN run requires the dataset to be predicted, the original dataset used to build the clusters, their membership table (as output by cluster) and the path to the reference folder (raccoon_data) containing the trained maps. It also takes an output folder for logging purposes, a debugging mode switch and a GPU switch.

The output is in the same one-hot-encoded matrix format (rows as samples, columns classes) as the iterative clustering output table.